Smile to life!

Hope blooms in every smile!

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The only Craniofacial TEAM in Cyprus that includes expert scientists with high experience in the handling of cases of clefts and craniofacial deformities, with significantly large number of successful surgeries. The TEAM follows the treatment protocols of EUROCLEFT and of the AMERICAN CLEFT PALATE CRANIOFACIAL ASSOCIATION, of which is an active member.

High Standard Center for Clefts and Facial Deformities

  • Personalized and comprehensive treatment of each patient.
  • Monitoring by a team of distinguished doctors and scientists of all specialties..
  • Medical team with many years of experience and many operations to its credit.

"Change means that what was there wasn't perfect. People want things to get better."

– Esther Dyson

Experience. Reliability. Success

Every story, a new beginning...

Retro photography


Support for every family

Hope, Strength, Smile